How much does a Maiduguri Roselle rose cost?
Thursday 12th September 2024

Introduction to Maiduguri Roselle Rose

The Maiduguri Roselle Rose, also known as Hibiscus sabdariffa, is a vibrant and versatile plant native to the Maiduguri region of Nigeria. This plant is not only prized for its striking red calyces but also for its numerous health benefits and culinary uses. The Roselle Rose is often used to make teas, jams, and even as a natural dye. Given its popularity and utility, understanding the cost of this plant is essential for both consumers and businesses.

Factors Influencing the Cost of Maiduguri Roselle Rose

Several factors influence the cost of Maiduguri Roselle Rose, including:

How much does a Maiduguri Roselle rose cost?

1. Seasonality

The Maiduguri Roselle Rose is a seasonal plant, typically harvested during the dry season from November to March. During peak harvest times, the supply is abundant, which can lead to lower prices. Conversely, during off-seasons, the scarcity of the plant can drive up its cost.

2. Quality

The quality of the Roselle Rose can significantly impact its price. High-quality calyces are usually larger, more vibrant in color, and have a stronger flavor. These premium products command higher prices in the market.

3. Market Demand

Demand for Maiduguri Roselle Rose can fluctuate based on various factors, including health trends, culinary innovations, and export opportunities. High demand can lead to increased prices, while low demand can result in reduced costs.

4. Transportation and Logistics

The cost of transporting the Roselle Rose from Maiduguri to other parts of Nigeria or international destinations can vary. Factors such as fuel prices, transportation infrastructure, and export regulations can all influence the final price of the product.

Average Cost of Maiduguri Roselle Rose

The average cost of Maiduguri Roselle Rose can vary widely depending on the factors mentioned above. Generally, during peak season, a kilogram of high-quality Roselle Rose calyces can cost between ₦2,000 to ₦3,000 (approximately $5 to $7) in local Nigerian markets. However, prices can rise to ₦4,000 to ₦5,000 (approximately $10 to $12) per kilogram during off-seasons or for premium quality products.

Export Prices of Maiduguri Roselle Rose

For international markets, the cost of Maiduguri Roselle Rose can be higher due to additional expenses such as export taxes, international shipping, and handling. On average, a kilogram of Roselle Rose calyces might cost between $15 to $25 for export, depending on the destination and the quality of the product.

Economic Impact of Maiduguri Roselle Rose

The Maiduguri Roselle Rose plays a significant role in the local economy of Maiduguri and surrounding areas. It provides employment opportunities for farmers, processors, and traders. Additionally, the export of Roselle Rose can contribute to the foreign exchange earnings of Nigeria. Understanding the economic dynamics and cost structure of this plant is crucial for sustainable growth and development in the region.


The cost of Maiduguri Roselle Rose is influenced by a variety of factors, including seasonality, quality, market demand, and transportation costs. While the price can vary, it generally ranges from ₦2,000 to ₦5,000 per kilogram in local markets and $15 to $25 per kilogram for export. Understanding these dynamics is essential for both consumers and businesses looking to engage with this valuable and versatile plant.

Questions and Answers

1. What is the average cost of Maiduguri Roselle Rose during peak season?

During peak season, the average cost of a kilogram of high-quality Maiduguri Roselle Rose is between ₦2,000 to ₦3,000.

2. How does the quality of Roselle Rose affect its price?

High-quality Roselle Rose, characterized by larger, more vibrant calyces and stronger flavor, commands higher prices in the market.

3. What factors influence the export price of Maiduguri Roselle Rose?

Factors influencing the export price include export taxes, international shipping costs, handling fees, and the destination market.

4. How does the Maiduguri Roselle Rose contribute to the local economy?

The Roselle Rose provides employment opportunities for farmers, processors, and traders, and its export contributes to Nigeria's foreign exchange earnings.


The Maiduguri Roselle Rose, a versatile and valuable plant, has a cost structure influenced by seasonality, quality, market demand, and transportation. In local Nigerian markets, its price ranges from ₦2,000 to ₦5,000 per kilogram, while export prices can be between $15 to $25 per kilogram. Understanding these factors is crucial for sustainable economic engagement with this plant, which plays a significant role in the local and national economy.