How many flower baskets are considered auspicious for the opening of an Ibadan business?
Thursday 12th September 2024


In the vibrant city of Ibadan, Nigeria, the opening of a new business is a significant event that is often marked with various traditional and cultural practices. One such practice is the presentation of flower baskets, which are believed to bring good luck and prosperity to the new venture. The number of flower baskets presented can vary, and understanding the auspicious numbers can help ensure that the business gets off to a successful start. This article delves into the cultural significance of flower baskets and the auspicious numbers associated with them for the opening of an Ibadan business.

The Cultural Significance of Flower Baskets

Flower baskets have long been a symbol of celebration and goodwill in many cultures, including those in Nigeria. In Ibadan, they are particularly significant during the opening of a new business. The vibrant colors and fragrant aromas of the flowers are believed to attract positive energy and ward off any negative influences. Additionally, the act of presenting flower baskets is a gesture of support and encouragement from friends, family, and well-wishers.

How many flower baskets are considered auspicious for the opening of an Ibadan business?

Auspicious Numbers in Ibadan Culture

In Ibadan culture, certain numbers are considered more auspicious than others. These numbers are often associated with good luck, prosperity, and success. When it comes to the number of flower baskets presented at a business opening, the following numbers are particularly significant:

1. The Number 7

The number 7 is widely regarded as a lucky number in many cultures, including Ibadan. It is believed to bring good fortune and success. Presenting seven flower baskets at a business opening is thought to ensure that the business will thrive and prosper.

2. The Number 8

The number 8 is another auspicious number in Ibadan culture. It is associated with wealth and abundance. The shape of the number 8, which resembles the infinity symbol, is believed to bring endless opportunities and success. Therefore, presenting eight flower baskets is a powerful way to wish the new business prosperity and financial success.

3. The Number 9

The number 9 is considered a number of completion and fulfillment. It is believed to bring a sense of completeness and satisfaction to the new business. Presenting nine flower baskets is a way to wish the business a long and successful journey.

4. The Number 12

The number 12 is associated with completeness and perfection. It is often used in various cultural and religious contexts to represent a full cycle or a complete set. Presenting twelve flower baskets at a business opening is a way to wish the business a complete and successful journey.

Practical Considerations

While the numbers mentioned above are considered auspicious, it is important to consider practical factors when deciding how many flower baskets to present. The size of the business, the number of guests, and the budget are all important considerations. In some cases, a combination of these numbers may be used to create a balanced and meaningful display.


The presentation of flower baskets at the opening of a new business in Ibadan is a meaningful tradition that reflects the cultural values of the community. The number of flower baskets presented can have a significant impact on the perceived success and prosperity of the business. By understanding the auspicious numbers associated with flower baskets, business owners and well-wishers can ensure that the new venture gets off to a successful start.

Questions and Answers

1. What is the significance of the number 7 in Ibadan culture?

The number 7 is considered a lucky number in Ibadan culture and is believed to bring good fortune and success. Presenting seven flower baskets at a business opening is thought to ensure that the business will thrive and prosper.

2. Why is the number 8 considered auspicious for business openings?

The number 8 is associated with wealth and abundance in Ibadan culture. The shape of the number 8, which resembles the infinity symbol, is believed to bring endless opportunities and success. Therefore, presenting eight flower baskets is a powerful way to wish the new business prosperity and financial success.

3. What does the number 9 symbolize in the context of a business opening?

The number 9 is considered a number of completion and fulfillment in Ibadan culture. It is believed to bring a sense of completeness and satisfaction to the new business. Presenting nine flower baskets is a way to wish the business a long and successful journey.

4. How does the number 12 relate to business success in Ibadan?

The number 12 is associated with completeness and perfection in Ibadan culture. It is often used to represent a full cycle or a complete set. Presenting twelve flower baskets at a business opening is a way to wish the business a complete and successful journey.


The opening of a new business in Ibadan is a significant event that is often marked with the presentation of flower baskets. These baskets are believed to bring good luck and prosperity to the new venture. The number of flower baskets presented can vary, with certain numbers being considered more auspicious than others. The numbers 7, 8, 9, and 12 are particularly significant in Ibadan culture and are associated with good fortune, wealth, completion, and perfection. By understanding these auspicious numbers, business owners and well-wishers can ensure that the new business gets off to a successful start.