How to write Bida as a flower basket for a friend's opening ceremony
Friday 13th September 2024


When a friend is celebrating a significant milestone such as the opening ceremony of their business, it is customary to offer a thoughtful gift to commemorate the occasion. A beautifully crafted flower basket, known as a "Bida," can be a perfect choice. This article will guide you through the process of writing a Bida as a flower basket for a friend's opening ceremony, ensuring that your gift is both meaningful and memorable.

Understanding the Significance of Bida

Bida, in many cultures, is a traditional floral arrangement that symbolizes prosperity, good luck, and celebration. It is often given during auspicious occasions like weddings, anniversaries, and business openings. The Bida is not just a decorative item; it carries deep cultural and symbolic meanings, making it an ideal gift for a friend's opening ceremony.

How to write Bida as a flower basket for a friend's opening ceremony

Choosing the Right Flowers

The first step in creating a Bida is selecting the right flowers. Consider flowers that symbolize growth, success, and joy. Some popular choices include:

  • Lilies: Symbolize purity and refined beauty, often associated with success and prosperity.
  • Roses: Represent love and friendship, making them perfect for a heartfelt gift.
  • Orchids: Known for their elegance and sophistication, orchids signify strength and beauty.
  • Sunflowers: Symbolize happiness and positivity, perfect for a joyous occasion.

Mixing these flowers can create a vibrant and meaningful Bida that captures the essence of the celebration.

Designing the Bida

Once you have chosen the flowers, the next step is to design the Bida. Here are some tips to ensure your Bida is both aesthetically pleasing and culturally appropriate:

  • Balance: Ensure the arrangement is balanced, with a mix of tall and short flowers to create a harmonious look.
  • Color Scheme: Choose a color scheme that complements the occasion. For an opening ceremony, rich, vibrant colors like red, gold, and purple are often used to signify prosperity and success.
  • Basket Selection: The basket should be sturdy and elegant, often made of bamboo or wicker. It should be large enough to hold the flowers comfortably.
  • Greenery: Include some greenery to add texture and depth to the arrangement. Ferns, ivy, and baby's breath are excellent choices.

Writing the Message

A Bida is not complete without a thoughtful message. Here are some tips for writing a meaningful message:

  • Greeting: Start with a warm greeting, such as "Dear [Friend's Name]," or "Congratulations, [Friend's Name]!"
  • Expression of Joy: Express your joy and excitement for their new venture. For example, "Wishing you all the best as you open the doors to your new business!"
  • Symbolic Meaning: Mention the symbolic meaning of the Bida and the flowers you chose. For instance, "The lilies and roses in this Bida symbolize your journey towards success and the beautiful friendships that will support you along the way."
  • Wishes for Success: Conclude with heartfelt wishes for their success. "May your business flourish and bring you joy and prosperity!"

Delivering the Bida

The final step is delivering the Bida to your friend. Ensure it is delivered on time for the opening ceremony. You can either hand-deliver it yourself or arrange for it to be delivered by a florist. Either way, make sure your friend receives it with a smile.


A Bida as a flower basket is a thoughtful and culturally significant gift for a friend's opening ceremony. By choosing the right flowers, designing a beautiful arrangement, and writing a heartfelt message, you can create a Bida that not only celebrates the occasion but also conveys your best wishes for their success. Remember, the Bida is more than just a gift; it is a symbol of prosperity, joy, and the strong bond of friendship.

Questions and Answers

1. What flowers are typically used in a Bida for an opening ceremony?

Lilies, roses, orchids, and sunflowers are commonly used in a Bida for an opening ceremony due to their symbolic meanings of success, love, strength, and happiness.

2. How should the Bida be designed to be culturally appropriate?

The Bida should be balanced, with a mix of tall and short flowers, and a color scheme that signifies prosperity and success. The basket should be sturdy and elegant, and greenery should be included for texture and depth.

3. What should be included in the message accompanying the Bida?

The message should include a warm greeting, an expression of joy for the new venture, a mention of the symbolic meaning of the flowers, and heartfelt wishes for success.

4. How should the Bida be delivered for maximum impact?

The Bida should be delivered on time for the opening ceremony, either by hand or through a florist, ensuring that your friend receives it with a smile and feels the warmth of your support.


Creating a Bida as a flower basket for a friend's opening ceremony involves selecting the right flowers, designing a balanced and culturally appropriate arrangement, writing a heartfelt message, and ensuring timely delivery. This gift not only celebrates the occasion but also symbolizes prosperity, joy, and the strong bond of friendship.