How much is a Shagamu crushed ice blue rose
Saturday 14th September 2024

Introduction to Shagamu Crushed Ice Blue Rose

The Shagamu crushed ice blue rose is a unique and captivating variety of rose that has gained popularity for its striking appearance and rarity. Unlike traditional roses, this variety boasts a stunning blue hue that is achieved through a specialized process. The name "Shagamu" is derived from the town in Nigeria where these roses are primarily cultivated. The crushed ice effect refers to the delicate, frosted appearance of the petals, which gives the rose a magical and ethereal quality. This article delves into the cost of a Shagamu crushed ice blue rose, exploring factors that influence its price and providing insights into where and how to purchase this exquisite flower.

The Rarity and Beauty of Shagamu Crushed Ice Blue Rose

The Shagamu crushed ice blue rose is renowned for its rarity and beauty, making it a sought-after item in the floral industry. The blue color of these roses is not naturally occurring; instead, it is achieved through a process known as floristry dyeing. This technique involves carefully treating the roses with a special dye that penetrates the petals, resulting in a vibrant and consistent blue hue. The crushed ice effect is created by applying a fine, frosty coating to the petals, enhancing their visual appeal and giving them a unique texture.

The combination of the blue color and the crushed ice effect makes the Shagamu crushed ice blue rose a standout choice for special occasions and events. Its rarity also contributes to its desirability, as it is not commonly found in most florist shops. This exclusivity adds to its allure and makes it a perfect gift for someone special or for adding a touch of elegance to a wedding or other significant event.

How much is a Shagamu crushed ice blue rose

Factors Influencing the Price of Shagamu Crushed Ice Blue Rose

Several factors influence the price of a Shagamu crushed ice blue rose, including its rarity, the complexity of the dyeing process, and the demand for this unique variety. Here are some key factors that contribute to the cost:

1. Rarity

As mentioned earlier, the Shagamu crushed ice blue rose is a rare variety, which naturally drives up its price. The limited availability of these roses means that they are not easily accessible, making them more expensive than common rose varieties.

2. Dyeing Process

The process of dyeing the roses to achieve the blue color and crushed ice effect is intricate and time-consuming. Skilled florists must carefully treat each rose to ensure the color is even and the effect is consistent. This labor-intensive process adds to the overall cost of the roses.

3. Demand

The demand for Shagamu crushed ice blue roses is high, particularly for special occasions like weddings, anniversaries, and Valentine's Day. When demand exceeds supply, prices tend to rise. The popularity of these roses among event planners and individuals looking for unique floral arrangements further drives up their cost.

4. Seasonality

Like many flowers, the availability of Shagamu crushed ice blue roses can be influenced by seasonality. During peak seasons, such as spring and summer, the demand for flowers generally increases, which can impact the price. Additionally, factors such as weather conditions and growing seasons can affect the supply and, consequently, the price of these roses.

How Much Does a Shagamu Crushed Ice Blue Rose Cost?

The cost of a Shagamu crushed ice blue rose can vary depending on the factors mentioned above. On average, a single Shagamu crushed ice blue rose can range from $10 to $20. However, prices can be higher or lower depending on the specific circumstances. For example, during peak demand periods or for larger quantities, the price per rose may increase. Conversely, during off-peak times or for bulk purchases, prices may be more favorable.

When purchasing Shagamu crushed ice blue roses, it is important to consider the quality of the roses and the reputation of the seller. High-quality roses that have been expertly dyed and treated will generally command a higher price. Additionally, purchasing from a reputable florist or supplier ensures that you are getting a genuine Shagamu crushed ice blue rose and not a counterfeit or lower-quality product.

Where to Buy Shagamu Crushed Ice Blue Roses

Shagamu crushed ice blue roses can be purchased from a variety of sources, including specialty florists, online retailers, and event planners. Here are some options for buying these unique roses:

1. Specialty Florists

Specialty florists that focus on unique and rare flowers are likely to carry Shagamu crushed ice blue roses. These florists often have a deep understanding of the flowers they sell and can provide expert advice on care and arrangement. Visiting a local specialty florist is a great way to see the roses in person before making a purchase.

2. Online Retailers

Many online retailers specialize in rare and exotic flowers, including Shagamu crushed ice blue roses. Purchasing online offers the convenience of having the roses delivered directly to your door. However, it is important to research the reputation of the online retailer and read customer reviews to ensure you are getting a high-quality product.

3. Event Planners

Event planners often work with florists to source unique flowers for weddings and other special events. If you are planning an event and are interested in using Shagamu crushed ice blue roses, consider consulting with an event planner who can help you find and purchase the roses.


The Shagamu crushed ice blue rose is a rare and beautiful flower that commands a higher price due to its rarity, the complexity of the dyeing process, and high demand. On average, a single rose can cost between $10 and $20, though prices can vary depending on the season and quantity purchased. When looking to buy these unique roses, consider purchasing from specialty florists, reputable online retailers, or event planners who can provide expert guidance and ensure you receive high-quality flowers. Whether for a special occasion or simply to enjoy their stunning beauty, the Shagamu crushed ice blue rose is a truly exceptional choice.

Questions and Answers

1. What makes the Shagamu crushed ice blue rose so rare?

The Shagamu crushed ice blue rose is rare due to its unique blue color and crushed ice effect, which are achieved through a specialized dyeing process. Additionally, these roses are primarily cultivated in Shagamu, Nigeria, limiting their availability.

2. How is the blue color of the Shagamu crushed ice blue rose achieved?

The blue color of the Shagamu crushed ice blue rose is achieved through a floristry dyeing process. Skilled florists treat the roses with a special dye that penetrates the petals, resulting in a vibrant and consistent blue hue.

3. What factors influence the price of a Shagamu crushed ice blue rose?

Factors influencing the price include rarity, the complexity of the dyeing process, high demand, and seasonality. These factors contribute to the overall cost of the roses, which can range from $10 to $20 per rose.

4. Where can I buy Shagamu crushed ice blue roses?

Shagamu crushed ice blue roses can be purchased from specialty florists, online retailers, and event planners. Each option offers different benefits, such as expert advice from florists, the convenience of online shopping, and event planning services.


The Shagamu crushed ice blue rose is a rare and beautiful flower that stands out due to its unique blue color and crushed ice effect. Achieved through a specialized dyeing process, these roses are primarily cultivated in Shagamu, Nigeria, making them a rare and sought-after item. Factors such as rarity, the complexity of the dyeing process, high demand, and seasonality influence the price, which typically ranges from $10 to $20 per rose. Buyers can find these unique flowers through specialty florists, online retailers, and event planners, each offering different advantages. Whether for a special occasion or simply to enjoy their stunning beauty, the Shagamu crushed ice blue rose is a truly exceptional choice.