How much does 99999 roses cost in Ibadan?
Wednesday 18th September 2024


Roses have long been a symbol of love, admiration, and affection. Whether it's for a special occasion like Valentine's Day, an anniversary, or a grand gesture of love, the number of roses can vary significantly. Imagine the impact of presenting someone with 99,999 roses! Such a grand gesture would undoubtedly leave a lasting impression. But how much would such a display cost in Ibadan, Nigeria? This article delves into the cost of 99,999 roses in Ibadan, considering various factors such as local market prices, availability, and delivery options.

Understanding the Local Rose Market in Ibadan

Ibadan, the largest city in Nigeria by geographical area, has a vibrant market for flowers, including roses. The cost of roses can vary depending on the season, availability, and the specific type of rose. Generally, roses are more expensive during peak seasons like Valentine's Day and Mother's Day. In Ibadan, roses are typically sourced from local growers and sometimes imported from neighboring countries like Kenya and Ethiopia.

How much does 99999 roses cost in Ibadan?

Calculating the Cost of 99,999 Roses

To estimate the cost of 99,999 roses in Ibadan, we need to consider the average price per rose. According to recent market data, a single rose can cost anywhere from ₦100 to ₦500, depending on the quality and type. For the sake of this calculation, let's assume an average price of ₦300 per rose.

Using this average price, the total cost for 99,999 roses would be:

99,999 roses * ₦300 per rose = ₦29,999,700

Factors Influencing the Cost

Several factors can influence the final cost of 99,999 roses in Ibadan:

  • Type of Rose: Different types of roses, such as red, white, or exotic varieties, can have varying prices. Exotic or imported roses are generally more expensive.
  • Seasonality: Prices can spike during peak seasons due to increased demand.
  • Bulk Discounts: Purchasing such a large quantity might qualify for bulk discounts, reducing the overall cost.
  • Delivery and Arrangement: The cost of arranging and delivering 99,999 roses can be substantial. Specialized logistics and floral arrangement services would be required, adding to the total expense.

Where to Purchase 99,999 Roses in Ibadan

Purchasing 99,999 roses in Ibadan would require coordination with local florists, flower markets, and possibly even international suppliers. Here are some options:

  • Local Florists: Some local florists in Ibadan might have the capacity to source and arrange such a large quantity of roses. However, they would likely need significant lead time.
  • Flower Markets: The Agbeni Market and other major markets in Ibadan are good places to start. These markets often have a variety of flowers and might be able to source the required quantity.
  • International Suppliers: For exotic or imported roses, international suppliers might need to be involved. This would add to the cost due to import duties and shipping fees.


The cost of 99,999 roses in Ibadan can be substantial, estimated at around ₦29,999,700 based on an average price of ₦300 per rose. Various factors such as the type of rose, seasonality, bulk discounts, and delivery costs can influence the final price. Coordinating such a large purchase would require working with local florists, flower markets, and possibly international suppliers. While the cost is high, the impact of such a grand gesture would undoubtedly be unforgettable.

Questions and Answers

1. How much would 99,999 roses cost in Ibadan?

Based on an average price of ₦300 per rose, the total cost would be approximately ₦29,999,700.

2. What factors influence the cost of roses in Ibadan?

Factors include the type of rose, seasonality, bulk discounts, and delivery and arrangement costs.

3. Where can one purchase 99,999 roses in Ibadan?

Options include local florists, flower markets like Agbeni Market, and possibly international suppliers for exotic varieties.

4. Are there any discounts available for purchasing such a large quantity of roses?

Yes, purchasing in bulk might qualify for discounts, which could reduce the overall cost.


The article explores the cost of 99,999 roses in Ibadan, estimating it to be around ₦29,999,700 based on an average price of ₦300 per rose. It discusses factors influencing the cost, such as the type of rose, seasonality, bulk discounts, and delivery costs. The article also provides options for purchasing such a large quantity, including local florists, flower markets, and international suppliers. While the cost is significant, the impact of such a grand gesture would be unforgettable.